Aug 29Liked by Grant Buckerfield

Fantastic piece Grant. Loved the topic and how you broke it into 2 parts with the in depth analysis of the kinds of mistakes many can make on the path to awakening.

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Thanks Tim, I spent a lot of time on that one, glad you found it interesting!

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Aug 22Liked by Grant Buckerfield

...and so, for the time being, Grant remained a devout skeptic!

Another great piece of writing and very much looking forward to the Siddhis finale 🙂

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Thanks Greg! Yep, it's not easy being both a mystic and a skeptic. Hopefully I'll get to the bottom of it all one day. Thanks for your ongoing support!

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I love what you have looked at here.

Carl Jung started with serious psychological investigations of synchronicity.

"Acausal connecting (togetherness) principle";

“meaningful coincidence”;

“acausal parallelism”';

or “meaningful coincidence",

he called it a various times.

Later in life, he moved more and more into a spiritual assessment of life experience.

I like the idea that synchronous moments of recognition indicate nothing more than "Hey, that's a pretty coincidence; I'm going to keep investigating this path."

Versus the path which only shows unpleasant streets littered with joyless pain and suffering.

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Aug 24·edited Aug 24Author

I love how you’ve connected this to Jung’s ideas. It’s interesting how, as he got older, he leaned more into the spiritual side of things. I agree that it’s important to stay curious about these moments while keeping a balanced perspective.

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fascinating analysis, thank you

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Aug 24·edited Aug 24Author

Thanks for your support Janet!

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